Sunday, March 30, 2008

You can help slow down Global Warming

  1. Read about environmental issues
  2. Use public transport whenever possible. Use car pooling.
  3. Turn off lights and fans, air conditioners and heaters when not being used. Whenever we use electricity, we help put greenhouse gases into the air. By turning off lights, the television, and the computer when you are through with them, you can help a lot.
  4. Bike, Bus, and Walk
     You can save energy by sometimes taking the bus, riding a bike, or walking. Cars cause a lot of pollution.
  5. Talk to Your Family and Friends
     Talk with your family and friends about climate change. Let them know what you've learned.
  6. Trees for LIFE! Plant Trees
     Planting trees is fun and a great way to reduce greenhouse gases. Trees absorb carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, from the air.
  7. Preserve the green areas around your house and locality . Preserve greenery around your house locality, work and schools.
  8. Recycle :  Recycle cans, bottles, plastic bags, and newspapers. When you recycle, you send less trash to the landfill and you help save natural resources, like trees, oil, and elements such as aluminium.
  9. Buy and use appliances which consume less energy: some appliances, vehicles instruments and machines are especially designed so that they consume less energy than normal. Choose these when purchasing or making your choices.
  10. Use products again and recycle them.
  11. Use solar energy whenever possible for example through solar cookers, dry your clothes in the natural sun rather than through a dryer.
  12. Handwash clothes whenever possible rather than using a washing machine or dishwasher.
  13. Save fresh water it is precious.
  14. Recycle water and use it for appropriate purposes. Use kitchen water to water your plants etc.


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